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Stellarium for Windows 7 - Discover the Universe with Stellarium. - Windows 7 Download

Stellarium Windows 7

Stellarium 24.3

Explore the Universe with Stunning Detail: Download Stellarium.

Stellarium is an exceptional Windows 7 software created by Stellarium. With this software, you get to explore the beautiful universe right from the comfort of your home. The software is user-friendly and presents realistic 3D constellations, planets, and galaxies that make it seem like you are viewing the universe through a telescope. Stellarium is ideal for stargazers and photography enthusiasts who want to capture the stunning celestial view. It is an excellent tool to learn more about the universe and keep updated on events like solar and lunar eclipses. It's the perfect option for anyone interested in exploring the stars and beyond.

Stellarium 24.3 full details

File Size: 379.00 MB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-09-23
Downloads: Total: 13749 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Fabien Chereau
Publisher URL:

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StellariumOtherWindows 11, Windows 10 32/64 bit, Windows 8 32/64 bit, Windows 7 32/64 bit

User Rating: 3.4 (96 votes)

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Stellarium 24.3 full description

Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.

It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go.


default catalogue of over 600,000 stars
extra catalogues with more than 177 million stars
default catalogue of over 80,000 deep-sky objects
extra catalogue with more than 1 million deep-sky objects
asterisms and illustrations of the constellations
constellations for 20+ different cultures
images of nebulae (full Messier catalogue)
realistic Milky Way
very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset
the planets and their satellites

a powerful zoom
time control
multilingual interface
fisheye projection for planetarium domes
spheric mirror projection for your own low-cost dome
all new graphical interface and extensive keyboard control
telescope control

equatorial and azimuthal grids
star twinkling
shooting stars
tails of comets
iridium flares simulation
eclipse simulation
supernovae and novae simulation
3D sceneries
skinnable landscapes, now with spheric panorama projection

plugin system adding artifical satellites, ocular simulation, telescope configuration and more
ability to add new solar system objects from online resources...
add your own deep sky objects, landscapes, constellation images, scripts...

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Stellarium 24.3 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Full list of changes:
Added ability a batch drawing of asteroid and comet markers (GH: #3847)
Added tiny circles as optional markers for minor bodies (GH: #3847)
Added multithreading computations of positions for Solar system bodies (GH: #3847)
Added tooltip for new option in AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool
Added ability to use a wider range of dates for AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool (GH: #3880)
Added a reddish tint over the landscape when sun is low (GH: #3858, #3855)
Added abort telescope slew signals to LX200 and NexStar telescopes (GH: #2754)
Added setting dynamic limits for wide range of dates in AstroCalc tools
Added ability to use a wider range of dates for AstroCalc/RTS tool
Added links for multi-opposition unnumbered objects and one-opposition objects into bookmarks in Solar System Editor plugin
Added info for total candidates for adding in Solar System Editor plugin
Added ability to use a wider range of dates for AstroCalc/Phenomena tool (GH: #1327)
Added ability to hide the constellation art button (GH: #3830)
Added context support for exoplanet detection methods and exoplanetary classes (GH: #3798)
Added comments for tooltips (GH: #3786)
Fixed coordinates in '20 Fun Naked-Eye Double Stars' script (GH: #3835)
Fixed typos in Maya skyculture
Fixed linking with which may require libtbb
Fixed messing in solar eclipse maps (GH: #3894)
Fixed TimeZone for Xochicalco (GH: #3897)
Fixed missing old-fashioned storing of new settings (GH: #3847)
Fixed saving new option for AstroCalc/Ephemeris tool
Fixed the circumstances discovery for few comets
Fixed parsing MPC large numbers in Solar System Editor plugin (GH: #3882)
Fixed Andromeda lines for Modern (S&T) sky culture (GH: #3865)
Fixed Calendars plugin
Fixed support common names for sky cultures (GH: #3845)
Fixed typos in sky cultures (GH: #3854, #3838, #3842, #3845)
Fixed working Search Tool/Lists tool when list of asterisms is empty (GH: #3853)
Fixed duplicate Satellites filter window (GH: #3825)
Fixed landscape label drawing
[ Stellarium release history ]

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Stellarium for Windows 7 - Copyright information

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Stellarium users' reviews

Stellarium 0.11.0 review by onur kuruoglu (Mar 26, 2012)
very very thanks to authours for this awesome program which is quite understandable for amauter people.

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