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MarvinSketch for Windows 7 - Innovative sketching tool for chemists. - Windows 7 Download

MarvinSketch Windows 7

MarvinSketch 23.16.0

"Unlock your inner chemist with MarvinSketch: the powerful Windows 7 software for sketching and 2D structure visualization."

MarvinSketch, a powerful structure editor for chemical drawing and publishing, is a must-have software for chemists, biologists and research teams. Developed by ChemAxon Ltd., MarvinSketch is user-friendly, fast and efficient. With comprehensive structure and reaction drawing capabilities, plus advanced features like templates, query building and interactive 3D visualization, this software is perfect for everything from basic chemical drawing to complex molecule design. Free to download and easy to install, MarvinSketch is a top choice for any chemistry lab or research project.

MarvinSketch 23.16.0 full details

File Size: 92 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2023-11-17
Downloads: Total: 4796 | This Month: 50
Publisher: ChemAxon Ltd.
Publisher URL:

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MarvinSketchCADWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 3.4 (27 votes)

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MarvinSketch 23.16.0 full description

Looking for a powerful yet user-friendly software for chemical drawing and visualization? Look no further than MarvinSketch from ChemAxon Ltd. With intuitive interface and versatile features, this software makes chemical structure drawing, editing and sharing a breeze. From building complex molecules to adding chemical and biological annotations, MarvinSketch offers endless possibilities for scientific research and education. Plus, with its compatibility with various file formats and integration with other ChemAxon products, MarvinSketch streamlines your chemistry workflow like never before. Get your hands on MarvinSketch today and see your ideas come to life.

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MarvinSketch users' reviews

MarvinSketch 6.3.0 review by Jorge Mercedes Ruiz (Feb 8, 2021)
Excellent material for learning and teachering. Great explanation of all points refer to materia chemistry. Full Thanks!!

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