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Strokes Easy Learning for Windows 7 - "Master writing skills with Strokes Easy Learning" - Windows 7 Download

Strokes Easy Learning Windows 7

Strokes Easy Learning 5

"Master writing with Strokes Easy Learning"

Strokes Easy Learning is the ultimate Windows 7 software for anyone looking to master a new language. Developed by industry leader Strokes International, this program offers a dynamic and interactive environment that makes learning fun and engaging. With in-depth coverage of grammar, vocabulary, and conversation practice, Strokes Easy Learning is the perfect choice for both students and professionals alike. Whether you're looking to improve your language skills for work or travel, this software is sure to deliver the results you need. Download Strokes Easy Learning today and start learning with ease!

Strokes Easy Learning 5 full details

File Size: 1.00 MB
License: Demo
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-05-19
Downloads: Total: 534 | This Month: 29
Publisher: Strokes international
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Strokes Easy LearningLanguagesWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.1 (14 votes)

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Strokes Easy Learning 5 full description

Strokes Easy Learning includes 300 Dialogues covering everyday situations, travel and profession, a pronunciation trainer, a vocabulary trainer, a wide variety of exercises, a complete grammar, a context-based dictionary, a virtual printable book, a video animated help system. The fully cross-linked language courses from STROKES are one of a kind. Every sentence and every word in the practical dialogues provide both natural and literal translations. In addition, each individual word is linked to a specific grammar explanation. Verbs are directly linked to a conjugation chart. Study vocabulary and grammar in the direct context of a dialogue.

1. EASY LEARNING – The road to foreign language fluency
STROKES Easy Learning will not only teach you the basics of a foreign language in a very short time, it will also guide you all the way down the path to total command of a foreign language.

2. All in one comprehensive language course
The STROKES language learning software is a complete all-in-one package that includes all the tools a language learner needs. A context related vocabulary trainer, a dictionary, and a complete grammar complement the set of 300 real-life dialogues and 36 types of multimedia exercises.

3. Language courses in 23 languages and 3 levels
The STROKES language software collection includes 3 levels of proficiency. Whether you are an absolute beginner, an advanced learner or a business professional, STROKES has the product you need to easily learn a foreign language.

Features and benefits of STROKES EASY LEARNING
There is no language that you can’t learn. EASY LEARNING uses the advantages of modern computer technologies and has developed advanced learning techniques that make foreign languages very accessible, even to the not so talented.

Here are the determining features of EASY LEARNING that will guide you along the path to total language fluency:

1. Real-Life Language Training
Your EASY LEARNING language course will teach you exactly what you need in 300 dialogue situations, covering a wide range of topics that include everyday life, travel and business. The focused training will get you well prepared for conversation in the situations that you are most likely to encounter in real life. It’s total immersion. The day you travel to a foreign country, you will feel like you’ve been there, and communication will come easy.

2. Situation focused Training
Language training with STROKES always sets the focus on the one primary goal of mastering communication in each of the 300 real-life situations. To master a situation, you do all the language exercises of your lesson plan within the context of that situation. You learn to say the most important things to the extent that you end up saying things automatically, without having to think. This is the key to fluency in a foreign language.
You also do a number of motivating exercises to learn and consolidate the vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation that apply to the same situation.

3. Total cross-linking of the language content
What is cross-linking of the language content? A cross-linked language content means that the words of the dialogues are linked to sound, relevant grammar topics, conjugation tables of verbs, literal translations and dictionary forms of words.

4. Natural and Literal Translations
Natural translations of sentences are translations that are written exactly the way you would express something in English. You need natural translations to immediately understand what is meant in all parts of your language course. Literal translations of words and sentences are translations that follow the structure and grammar rules of the foreign language. You need literal translations to immediately understand how a native speaker thinks and expresses himself, which is frequently completely different from English.

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