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Spamihilator Portable (x32 bit) full changelog

Spamihilator Portable (x32 bit) full changelog

Spamihilator Portable (x32 bit) 1.6.0 released Dec 5, 2014 (New Release)
Improved compatibility with mail accounts from Arcor
Improved compatibility with 64-bit operating systems
Disabled insecure SSLv2 method. SSLv3 and TLS are still available.
Prevent SSLv3 POODLE attack
Fixed some minor bugs that could cause Spamihilator to crash in certain cases
Spamihilator Portable (x32 bit) released Dec 23, 2012 (New Release)
* Support for UTF-8 encoded mails
* Improved message parsing for more accurate spam recognition
* Added dialog to test filter settings and priorities
* Support for arbitrary IMAP flags
* Improved user interface
o Optional column showing a mail’s recipient in Training Area and Recycle Bin
o Configurable columns for sender and recipient in Training Area and Recycle Bin
o Add domains to the list of friends or blocked senders directly from Training Area and Recycle Bin
o Added quick search for messages to Training Area and Recycle Bin
o Possibility to search the lists of friends and blocked senders in the settings dialog
* Improved Rule filter
o Added possibility to manually prioritize rules
o Optional automatic priorization of rules
* Improved Newsletter plugin
o Newsletter plugin is now able to let through newsletters from a certain sender address

Spamihilator Portable (x32 bit) for Windows 7 - free download notice

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